Monday, February 25, 2013

No more talk - Just action!

What is going on? 

Until I have sung my own music live for people I have not done anything close to realizing my dream and my words on this blog are of little meaning.

I have only been spending time preparing the stage but not entered it.

I'll be back when I've got some real achievements to blog about.

Peace n love,


Thursday, February 07, 2013

I quit my job - A new adventure begins!

Yes, I decided to quit my job after 3 months and if you read below, you'll find out why. I have recapped what has happened in my life the past year so you know where "I'm at", so here we go:

On March 2012 I left my boyfriend through 7 ½ years and suffered a huge break down. Little did I know that I would be spending the next 8 months living with my friends and family as I could not afford my own place. My economy was a mess. After 3 months in the darkest of dark I had regained some strength and found a waitress job I did in the evenings while I ran my consultancy business in the day. I knew this could not go on for long and more big changes were on the way. I wanted to let passion back into my life. Not passion for another person but for life and for what I do for a living. I decided to sell my 2-year-old business.

On the 1st of October I sold my company and a few days later I booked a one-way ticket for Berlin – a city in which I had wanted to live for many years and it felt like the right time. I had decided I was going to focus more on my Music, which was my passion. It was time to follow my dreams. I had been working on my own songs and been in bands alongside running my company for a few years, so I knew I could sing. A producer helped me produce my song “Better off alone” and with that and a single suitcase with my favorite items I left Denmark.

On the 22nd of October I arrived in Berlin. I had money for one month, so I had to get a job. I had one interview booked for the 25th so I was hopeful. On the 1st of November I began working with Online Marketing (Google Adwords) for a successful German company called Zalando. I was very excited about it. A week later I had a flat. Perfect! I was happy.

I am off on my new adventure!
Two months later on the 1st of January 2013, I read my old diary to see how life was one year ago. I felt shocked. In spite of all the changes I had undergone to let passion and happiness back into my life, I felt stuck and as if I had fallen asleep again. I had not had any time for my music during my time in Berlin. I knew that in order to change this and “pull it off” I had to go “all in”. 

On the 31st of January I left my job and fantastic and understanding bosses and colleagues, who wished me luck. I was slightly nervous, yet determined to make it. It feels right and my gut-feeling tells me I have to do this and I am so excited! I feel passion and joy for life again!

I have decided to let you all in on my story as it unfolds, in the hope that it will inspire you to follow your dreams and passions in life be it small or big things. Don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back. Your life is now and it is short, so make the very most of it.

I don't know what the result of this adventure will be, but I feel alive again in every sense of the word. I have money to keep me going for 3 months, so there is only one thing to do now and that is to work, focus on reaching my goals and most important of all - enjoy the ride as I move forward.

Peace n love 

Nina xx