As I wrote about in my previous blogpost I do experience sudden panic attacks when it comes to finances and how I will manage while I am realizing my dream. I guess it is because I am taking many risks with my career and I have no idea of the future. No safety net, no stable income and I just have to trust that with my work, dedication and focus I will make it.
This may sound irresponsible and as if I live my life with my eyes closed. I guess if you compare my way of living to the majority it would seem that way. For me it is all about believing (strongly) that when you embark on your real mission and follow your passion (exploit your talents) you will succeed - but only if you trust in that you will make it. If you don't believe this no one else will.
When I feel panic I know I must not let it take over and I have to stop worrying immediately cause worrying gets me nowhere except deeper into a black hole where I get nothing good done! I have gotten quite good at noticing when I think negative or go into worry-mode and so I know when to set in and combat my thoughts. Most people, unfortunately, don't even notice how negative their thoughts are cause they have simply become a part of them. So, begin by observing your thoughts! Anyway, how do I combat these panic attacks? Here are a few easy to "copy" tricks of mine:
1) I do my 5 Tibethan rites almost every morning as soon as I get out of bed. This makes me calm down and get "grounded" before I start my day. When I don't do them I feel more stressed and less focused. Moreover, the 5 Tibethan Rites balance the chakra system (energy system in our bodies - if you are into all that), they keep you young (!) and it good shape, and I have less headache + bodypains when I do them.
2) I meditate. This does not have to mean you sit in a lotus position humming funky words. I do this sometimes, but mostly I lay down with my eyes closed and imagine light washing away all my worries and fears. It actually helps me a lot. I remind myself of my dreams, goals and what I have achieved. Everyday I "say" thank you for the good things that are happening in my life and this makes me think of what I HAVE and not what I lack! You can start by saying thank you for 3 good things everyday before sleeping. That is how I began, now my list is a lot longer than just 3 things ;)
3) GET OUT! A normal walk in nature, in the city or anywhere away from your home gets you into a more "normal" state of mind. The trick is to observe what you are passing as you walk/jog and this brings you into the moment and calms the mind. When I come back I am always peaceful and focused.
4) Small jobs. As my worries are mostly of a financial character it helps me so much to work these planned 4-5 hours a day every day in a reception. This is my only "stable" income and everything else is unknown. Cause naturally I need to make quite a bit more than what I do at this job. When I come back from my job I feel good and working with young children energizes me. Their spark and joy is so inspiring. It gives me energy to work on other things too. It feels empowering.
5) Eat well! Actually I never eat junkfood, cause I get so tired from it and my body deserves better than eating crap food. It has to serve me a whole lifetime so I take good care of it. I also stopped eating meat, but that is for moral reasons (another story). I try not to drink too much coffee but so far I cant lay off it completely. Sugar is also best to stay off during stressful times, but damn that is hard for me. I looove cakes and chocolates.
6) Exercise. Going to the gym for as little as 30 mins really works wonders. I clear my mind and use my body so after both body and mind feel great!
7) Sleep! Get your sleep. I cannot stress the importance of this enough. Don't have your phone / laptop next to you, cause they do affect your sleep. Don't watch a splatter/drama/horror movie just before bed cause it overstimulates your brain and makes it more difficult to sleep. I don't drink caffeine 2 hours before sleeping.
8) Fun times. Although I feel I should be working all the time to make enough money so I can get peace of mind, I know it wont help. However, spending time with great friends or family doing something totally different gets my mind off things and reminds me of all the great things / people I have in my life.
9) Creativity / Hobbies. For me being creative gets me into a balanced, joyous, happy and powerful state of mind. So, playing the piano or singing or even putting music on and dancing alone in my flat makes me feel great. So, be sure to practice your hobby if you feel stressed. Remove yourself from the stressful environment or person that is causing you stress and do something for YOU!
10) Laugh! This is probably the best remedy against fear, worry or stress. Laugh with friends, family or even put on a fun series or movie. Such a simple thing with such a powerful effect.
I hope these small tips help you like they do me ;)
Have a fantastic day
Nina x
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